Oh hey there, thanks for stopping by. My name is Deema, and I speak fluent sarcasm. I have an unhealthy interior design addiction, and I plan all my days around my favorite thing on earth, FOOD. I’m known for my emotional love affair with art, I always have good music playing no matter what I’m doing, and my favorite way to transform a room is with paint. I created my blog about 2 years ago as a creative outlet from my stressful day job. My dream is to one day write a coffee table book that you won’t only place on your table, but one that you will read and devour, and think of when giving gifts to friends–Much like my favorite, Whiskey In A Teacup. I like to stay out of my lane, and stand up for the little guy. If you tell me not to do something, chances are I’m going to do it and then rub it in your face. Today, I share the process of updating our 1950’s beach cottage that I moved into less than two years ago with my husband, my two kids, and our dog Charlie.
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